Unlocking Sustainable Energy, Explore HighGrid's Solar Services
Maximise your energy efficiency and independence. Whether you're looking to reduce your electricity bills, ensure uninterrupted power supply, or embrace advanced energy management, HighGrid Associates Pvt. Ltd. has the perfect solar solution for you.

Micro Inverter System
Microinverters offer a unique twist on solar power. Unlike a central inverter that handles all your panels at once, a microinverter attaches to each panel individually, converting DC electricity to AC right on the spot. This means shaded areas or panel failures won't drag down your entire system's output, and you gain the benefit of detailed performance monitoring. While more expensive upfront, microinverters can be a smart choice for roofs with partial shade or for those who want the most granular control over their solar production.

Solar On Grid System
On-grid solar power systems work in association with a power grid. The extra power generated is sent to the utility grid and is stored for later use.
On-grid solar power system is a cost-effective way to reduce your electricity bills and can be installed with or without net metering. They do not work during power outages.If a commercial or industrial enterprise sets up a solar PV rooftop system, it will be eligible to avail the ‘Accelerated Depreciation Benefit’ which is currently 80% per year. At this rate, a business can completely depreciate the whole value of the project in approximately 4 years.

Solar Hybrid System
The term ‘hybrid’ refers to the use of solar energy connected with an electricity grid, thus enabling unrestricted functioning even during a blackout.
The Solar hybrid system having power backup capability and enabling advanced energy management, the future belongs to solar hybrid systems. It is an initial investment you make to last for a lifetime of energy savings.

Solar Off Grid System
Off-grid solar power solar power systems work independently of the grid but have batteries for storing the power generated.
Off-grid solar power systems comprises of solar panels, battery, charge controller, grid box, inverter, and mounting structures. The panels store enough sunlight during the day and use the power generated all through the night.These self-sustainable systems can work independently and do not rely on the grid. They generate enough power that can be stored and used at night or when the power grid is down. These are ideal for remote areas where there is no power access from the grid. Grid failures and shutdowns will not affect your power supply.

Solar Water Heater
Heat water the sustainable way! Solar water heaters capture the sun's rays to pre-heat water stored in a tank. This pre-heated water then gets used for your showers, baths, and laundry. Enjoy consistent hot water, significantly lower energy bills, and a reduced carbon footprint – all thanks to clean, free sunshine. Installation is easier than you might think, making solar water heating a perfect choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

Solar Lights
Solar lights are lighting systems powered by the sun, ideal for eco-friendly homes and outdoor spaces. These self-contained units capture sunlight, store it in batteries, and illuminate your surroundings with long-lasting LEDs. Skip the wiring and ditch the electricity bill - solar lights offer a stylish and sustainable way to brighten any area, indoors or out.
Online UPS
The Online UPS is a type of UPS that supplies power to the AC load through the Rectifier and Inverter Combo in normal operation and uses an inverter to supply AC power during a power failure. Therefore, the output power supply always stays ON and there is no need for switching. Hence, there is no time delay in switching between its sources. There is no interruption in the case of power failure even for a nanosecond.
During normal operation, it converts the AC supply from the AC mains into DC using a rectifier and charges the battery using a charge controller circuit. Now at the same time, the DC power from the charged battery is being converted into AC using an inverter to supply it to the output AC load.
In case of power failure, the UPS will stop drawing current from the AC mains, and stops charging the battery. But the AC load will continuously draw current from the battery through Inverter.
Therefore, Online UPS has a zero time delay when switching its power source. It is also why it is known as Online UPS because it stays ON even during its normal operation.
Since the current drawn by the AC load is continuously flowing through its whole circuit, the temperature of the system increases. Therefore, it needs comparatively larger heat sinks and the components that can withstand high temperature and it can tolerate current flow for very long duration. Due to such a requirement, the cost of Online UPS increases significantly.

Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer
The absence of stable voltage in the power supply can cause breakdown of sensitive electronic equipment and thereby impact the business continuity. Low voltage electric power distribution is 230 volts for single phase and 415 volts for three-phase. In such case, all electrical appliances (especially, single phase) are designed to operate in the voltage range of 220 to 240V.
The acceptable range of voltage in some countries (also in India) is 230 ± 10V as per the electricity standards. And also, many appliances can withstand this voltage fluctuation range. But in most places, voltage fluctuations are quite common and typically, they are in the range of 170 to 270V. These voltage fluctuations can have significant adverse effects on appliances.

Inverters & Batteries
Unleash the power of your solar panels! Inverters are the brains behind solar systems, transforming the sun's captured energy (DC) into usable household electricity (AC). This lets you power your appliances and lights directly from your solar setup, reducing reliance on the grid and saving you money. Enjoy clean energy independence with a solar inverter.